Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fix Your Slow Laptop/notebook or pc

To fix your slow laptop problem you first need to identify exactly what is slow.
  • You need to know has it always been slow or you consider it slow the day you bought it. If so, maybe you just purchased a computer that was undersized for your needs. It may be as simple as you just need a laptop with a faster processor speed or more memory.
  • If the applications you use have a lot of graphics then you may need to upgrade the graphics card and possibly add additional memory. I would suggest that you look closely at the system requirements defined by the applications that you are using.
  • If your laptop speed is only slow when you are accessing the internet then this is more than likely due to the speed of your internet connection then change your internet package(streamix).
  • If your laptop has not always been slow but has either suddenly slowed down or gradually over time gotten slower and slower, then you probably have virus/adware/spyware type problems.
  • You may have a corrupt windows registry. Even if you know what the windows registry is, don't try manually cleaning it yourself,you can use a good windows registry repair software such as ccleaner.
  • A lot of hidden culprits are simple files that are placed on your computer unbeknownst to you by adware or spyware programs. Adware delivers all the banner ads that you see while you are surfing the net. Adware usually includes code that allows the adware publisher to snoop on your browsing activity and then sell this personal information to third party advertisers. This tracking code that is added to your laptop is what is known as spyware.
  • Through adware and spyware unauthorized sites can add themselves to your desktop and to your internet favorites. These malicious components also take up your hard drive space and slow down your computer.
  • If you have picked up a virus then your computer may not only be slow but you may see other erratic type operations which may cause you to have to reboot the computer often. It really pays to always run some type of anti-virus software. Your laptop may very well come with a trial version of this type of software already installed for you.
  • In addition to protecting my computer with anti-virus software, I clean it quite frequently with adware/spyware remover software, because these little nuisance files are being added daily as you surf the net.

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