Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Common LCD screen problem

If there a line on screen
  • It is possible to replace with a new laptop LCD screen. The presence of lines could indicate a problem with the screen, the video cable or the video card.
If  LCD screen is dim
  • It may or may not need to replace with new LCD screen if the LCD screen is dim. If LCD screen is dim it may be as a result of either 
  1. A faulty backlight or 
  2. A faulty inverter.
  • The backlight is basically the light bulb in the laptop LCD screen which as one would suspect has an average useful life. The inverter, though, is a separate piece from the LCD screen. The inverter essentially 
  1. Takes the DC power which the laptop runs off of and converts it into AC power and 
  2. Steps-up the voltage to light up the cold cathode fluorescent backlight.
When a laptop LCD screen is dim the majority of the time it is a result of a faulty inverter (especially for HP laptop components). Unfortunately, the best way to determine which is the cause of the dim screen is through process of elimination by trying either a new LCD screen or a new inverter and seeing which solves the problem. It is highly recommend to purchase an inverter first as inverters are less expensive than LCD screens.

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